Design My Own Custom Customised Customize Customized Customizable Customisable Recordable Audio Voice Greeting Card

Create My Own Voice Card

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Once the design studio is loaded:

Choose to design the front of your card and the inside front by selecting from the card icons on the bottom left. 

To add a background colour, click "Add Image" at the top then select "Image Collections" and select "Background Colours" from the drop down list to choose your colour. 

To add your own pictures, click 'Add Image' at the top and click to choose the file destination. Choose as many pictures as you like and let your creativity loose! 

You can choose one or more pictures from our large range of card images. Simply click 'Add Image', select 'Image Collections' then use the drop down list to browse through our Collections. Choose your image by clicking on it.

To add effects and fading to your images, click 'Styling' 

To preview your Card Design at any time, click on the magnifying glass icon on the bottom to preview the current side of the card you're designing. To preview the other side, change it by clicking the card icons on the bottom left.

To add text click "Add Text' in the top menu. Click into the text box and write your message. Click 'Add' when finished.

To change your text colour, font, fading and other options, click 'Styling'. To change the shape and alignments of your text, click 'Design'. To change the size of your text or image, click 'Sizing' 

You can resize images and text by using the resizing arrows on the bottom right.  You can rotate images and text by using the rotation circle on the top right. You can copy a picture or text using the copy icon on the bottom left. You can delete a picture or text by clicking on the trash can at the top left.

You can choose which image/text appears in front or behind, by clicking either the 'Layers' button in the top menu or by choosing the image/text within your card design and clicking 'Design' below it and using the 'Bring It Up' or 'Bring It Down'.

You can undo and redo any changes and reset your whole design using the buttons on the bottom.

When you are happy with your card design, simply click on the 'ADD TO CART" button and proceed to check out. 

Have fun!